Cross Body Adduction Test

The Cross Body Adduction Test, also known as the Horizontal Adduction Test, is used to assess the integrity and condition of the acromioclavicular (AC) joint and to identify possible pathologies such as AC joint arthritis or other injuries. Here’s how the test is typically performed:


  1. Patient Position: The patient can be either seated or standing during the test.
  2. Starting Position: The examiner stands facing the patient.
  3. Arm Position: The patient’s arm is elevated to 90 degrees of shoulder flexion (parallel to the floor).
  4. Movement: The examiner then supports the patient’s arm and passively moves it across the body towards the opposite shoulder (adduction).
  5. Pressure: The examiner can apply gentle pressure to the patient’s elbow to increase the degree of adduction.

Positive Test Indications:

  • Pain: The test is considered positive if the patient experiences pain at the AC joint during the adduction movement.
  • Discomfort: Discomfort may also indicate a positive test, but it is less specific than pain.


  • Positive Test: Pain localized to the AC joint during the cross-body adduction indicates potential AC joint pathology, such as arthritis, separation, or other injuries.
  • Negative Test: Absence of pain or discomfort suggests that the AC joint may not be the source of the patient’s symptoms.

Additional Notes:

  • This test is often used in conjunction with other shoulder assessments to provide a comprehensive evaluation.
  • It is important to consider the patient’s history and other clinical findings when interpreting the results of the Cross Body Adduction Test.

If you need more detailed information or have specific questions about the test, feel free to ask!

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